- All chemicals have risks
- Des solutions vertes au bureau – Brochure
- Family Doctors in the Field -Stories from environmental family doctors from across the globe
- From darkness to light-Robert J Lifton’s the climate swerve – understanding human nature to avert global catastrophe
- General Practitioners’ responses to global climate change – lessons from clinical experience and the clinical method
- Greener Medical Homes- Environmental Responsibility in our Family Medicine Settings
- Green Group Works with Doctors to Promote Health Benefits of the Greenbelt
- Green Office Solutions for Physicians
- Green Office Toolkit
- Greening Health Care
- Pesticides and Human Health
- Smokescreens – Junk science tactics are designed to confuse the public and the policy-makers
- The end of biomilitary realism? Rethinking biomedicine and international security
- The evidence is clear – Study after study has linked pesticide use to an array of chronic diseases
- The Greener Clinic
- There’s no junk science in pesticide regulation
- Time for an ecosystem approach to public health? Lessons from two infectious disease outbreaks in Canada
- “Value health over pretty lawns” Pesticide Bylaw