Peace through Health

- Peace: A prerequisite for global health/La paix : Un préalable à la santé mondiale
- A call for an immediate ceasefire and peaceful end to the Russian aggression against Ukraine
- Approaching Peace Through Health with a Critical Eye
- A decolonised Commission agenda: The missing ingredients?
- Educating Health Professionals About Peace Through Health
- Educating Health Professionals on Peace and Human Rights
- Educating Health Science Students about Peace through Health Topic
- Educating health science students about Peace through health topic; a panel discussion
- Hatred- a public health issue
- Healing Our Planet: Physicians and Global Security
- Human Rights trumps Security
- Making Health Work for Peace in Humanitarian Situations
- Nobel Address: Multiethnicity and human rights: a united or divided world
- Nobel Address: Peace Through Health
- Peace and Health: Bridging the North-South Divide
- Peace through Health I: Development and Use of a Working Model
- Peace through Health II: A Framework for Medical Student Education
- Peace Through Health?
- Personal Reflections on Israel’s 60th anniversary
- Preventing war and promoting peace: a guide for health professionals
- Renewing the Call for Public Health Advocacy against Nuclear Weapons
- Responsibility to Protect at age 10 – still worthy of support?
- Rethinking medical education: introducing peace curricula in medical schools
- Review: Preventing War and Promoting Peace: A Guide for Health Professionals
- Rights-Based Approaches in Conflict-Affected Settings
- The end of biomilitary realism? Rethinking biomedicine and international security
- The Lancet, Gaza and academic publishing: defending political engagement
- The Lancet-SIGHT Commission on peaceful societies through health and gender equality
- The Palestinian- Israeli conflict: a disease for which root causes must be acknowledged and treated
- The roles of the health sector and health workers before, during and after violent conflict
- Using a Rights Based Prevention Approach in Conflict settings: Examples from Israel/Palestine and Nepal
- Victor W. Sidel (7 July 1931–30 January 2018)
Violence and Security

- Applications of Science-Based Decision-Making: Medicine, Environment and International Affairs
- Ask The Right Questions
- Bombs Are Not The Answer
- Committing suicide while depressed is easier when a gun is at hand
- Confronting the small arms pandemic
- Deadly addiction: India and Pakistan on the nuclear brink
- Do No Harm: Towards a Hippocratic Standard for International Civilization
- Economic sanctions: the kinder, gentler alternative?
- Establishing a Mental Health System in the Occupied Palestinian Territories Rita Giacaman
- Free doctors and medical students detained in Nepal
- Hair Trigger Response Won’t help the West
- Hatred- A Public Health Issue
- Human Security: An Extended and Annotated International Bibliography Comparison of Human Security Definitions
- Individual and Collective Exposure to Political Violence: Palestinian Adolescents Coping with Conflict
- Is military action ever justified? A physician defends the ‘Responsibility to Protect’
- Just war, psychology and terrorism
- Nuclear Naysayers Aiming For Prevention: International Medical Conference on Small Arms, Gun Violence, and Injury
- Operation Infinite Injustice: Impact of Sanctions and Prospective War on the People of Iraq Small Arms and Health
- Preventing the Adverse Health Effects of Small Arms
- Properly Diagnose Terrorism and Work for a Just Response
- Re-Envisioning Sovereignty The End of Westphalia?
- Reasons to be Fearful
- Response: “Up in Arms: Why Gun Control is Critical for Canada”
- Small Arms: A Political or Public Health Discussion?
- Small Arms and Health in Canada and the United States
- The Trouble With Elephants: Canadians don’t want to be crushed by the increasingly isolationist attitude of the U.S. government
- The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Disease for Which Root Causes Must be Acknowledged and Treated
- There Are Alternatives to War
- U.S. offers little hope for Iraq peace